
Organization Chart Government Economist - Mr Adolph Leung 28103633 Deputy Government Economist - Mr Desmond Hou 28103641 Section I Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI Principal Economist (1) - Ms Joyce Cheung 28102997 Principal Economist (2) -  Dr James Patrick Vere 28103549 Principal Economist (3) - Dr Ruby Zhu 28102081 Principal Economist (4) - Mr Eric Lee 28103643 Principal Economist (5) - Ms Reddy Ng 28103639 Principal Economist (6) - Mr Desmond Hou 28103641
Section I
Principal Economist (1)Ms Joyce Cheung (2810 2997)
  • Monitoring developments in the Hong Kong economy and in Hong Kong's major trading partners
  • Producing economic reports and official economic forecasts
  • Providing input and analysis on fiscal matters
  • Liaising with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on the interface between macroeconomic and monetary developments
  • In-depth research on selected economic subjects
Section II
Principal Economist (2)Dr James Patrick Vere (2810 3549)
  • Analysing and providing advice on the economic implications of policies and measures in such areas as -
    • land, housing and property development
    • territorial development strategy formulation
    • infrastructural development
    • telecommunications and broadcasting
    • travel and tourism
    • financial services
    • transport and logistics
    • health care financing
  • Monitoring developments in the property market and analysing their impacts on macro economy and financial stability
Section III
Principal Economist (3)Dr Ruby Zhu (2810 2081)
  • Analysing and providing advice on the economic implications of policies and measures in such areas as –
    • Commerce and industry
    • Environmental protection
    • Home affairs and cultural and recreational services
    • Public utilities
  • Monitoring developments in the Mainland economy and analysing their implications for the Hong Kong economy
  • Monitoring developments in regional economic cooperation and in international trade and economic relations (e.g. in the context of Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Trade Organization) and analysing their implications for the Hong Kong economy
Section IV
Principal Economist (4)Mr Eric Lee (2810 3643)
  • Providing analysis on structural and sectoral aspects of the Hong Kong economy
  • Monitoring developments in the labour market and analysing the economic implications of labour legislation and other issues in the labour field
  • Analysing and providing advice on manpower issues as well as the economic implications of education policies and measures
Section V
Principal Economist (5)Ms Reddy Ng (2810 3639)
  • Analysing economic implications of issues in the income distribution and welfare fields
  • Analysing economic implications of population ageing and other issues relating to population policy
  • Analysing economic implications of issues in poverty and related issues
Section VI
Principal Economist (6)Mr Desmond Hou (2810 3641)
  • Providing analysis on local and international competitiveness
  • Strengthening professional dialogues with international ranking institutes
  • Providing in-depth research relating to new economic growth drivers